Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership
FY26 Funding Opportunity
Information about the FY26 RFP:
The Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership (KPFHP) is seeking project proposals for FY2026 National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) funding. KPFHP is one of 20 regional fish habitat partnerships in the nation. KPFHP’s mission is to protect, maintain, restore, and enhance fish habitat within Kenai Peninsula Borough watersheds. Projects need to address FY2026 NFHP Conservation Priorities, as well as KPFHP priorities. Project applications should also be submitted by a KPFHP partner or must have direct support from a partner.
KPFHP anticipates awarding approximately $200,000 in FY2026 for projects that advance its mission. This amount is based on prior year’s funding levels from NFHP and the amount may change. There is no maximum funding level, however we prefer funding projects in the range of $10,000 – $50,000. Additionally, a 1:1 nonfederal match is required for projects, except tribal projects.
Read the full FY26 Request for Proposals.
NFHP National Conservation Priorities: Projects that address at least one of the NFHP Conservation Priorities for FY2026 will be the most competitive. These priorities are:
1) Conserve waters and habitats where all processes and functions are operating within their expected range or natural variation
2) Conserve hydrologic conditions for fish
3) Conserve physical and living habitats and features that support viable and sustainable species and/or populations in impacted or at-risk systems
4) Reconnect fragmented fish habitats
5) Conserve water quality for fish
6) Support the structure and function of FHPs
7) Enhance recreational, commercial, subsistence, and traditional fishing opportunities when conducting projects that conserve fish habitat
KPFHP Priorities: Projects that address the highest rated potential threats to fish habitat identified in the KPFHP Conservation Action Plans will also be more competitive. Click here to access both plans. These plans prioritize the following potential threats:
1) Aquatic invasive species
2) Warming thermal regime
3) Incompatible commercial and residential development
4) Incompatible road development
1) Oil spill prevention
2) Incompatible shoreline development
3) Beach alteration